Budtenders have a big job. Every day budtenders across Canada pair consumers with products that suit their needs and educate customers on safe and proper product use. We look to budtenders to establish brand loyalty and act as the face of cannabis retail. Tether, Canada’s budtender community, surveyed over 300 budtenders from across the country.
To hear what budtenders had to say about their jobs, and what you can do as a retailer to help them stick around, read the article on Cannabis Retailer.
Tether, created by Marigold PR, is celebrating the contribution of budtenders during the inaugural Budtender Appreciation Week, March 21-25, 2022. To register for B-week visit tetherbuds.com.
Cannabis brands, retailers, and services looking to engage budtenders and are interested in sponsorship can reach out to event lead Danielle McKay to learn more at danielle@marigoldpr.com.
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