Content marketing continues to grow in popularity, delivering major results for those who approach it right. A solid content strategy is an effective way to drive conversations, engagement and conversions (think sales & revenue!). Great content marketing fosters brand health and builds profile, for all types of business. The key to success is to simply create interesting & highly targeted content that is marketed really well. Easier said than done, right? Let’s dig into the top 3 things to consider when developing content.

How to Create Successful Content…

Put Your Audience First
Like any form of marketing, you need to start with your audience. Know their wants and keep their needs top of mind to ensure your content delivers value. Make it worth your audience’s while to engage with your brand- they seek authenticity! Think about headlines, visuals, layouts, and calls to actions. Watch stats and learn from your best performing content. It’s not about you, it’s about serving your audience.

Consider Each Step of the Buying Cycle
Digital gives brands a chance to connect with consumers no matter where they are at in the buying cycle. Create content the connects to and converts during all steps. Think about appealing to different levels of engagement, while offering an amazing brand experience . Have a plan to move new audiences through to brand evangelists. while offering fans a deeper chance to engage.

Market Through all Touchpoints (Paid, Owned, Earned)
Digital advertising platforms, especially Social, Google & YouTube offer opportunities to further amplify your content in a cost effective and efficient manner. Even small budgets can go a long way, turning your content into PR for your business. Never skip an opportunity to leverage your content across owned touchpoints. For example, a blog post can be included in an email, posted across social media and syndicated on other websites. Influencer relationships and engagement can be key to driving earned social media buzz!