Earth Kisses Sky, a leader in holistic medicine and known for their signature products designed to reduce pain and inflammation and promote healing through cannabis topicals is turning 10 years old this November. 

Founders, Tijen Yalchin and Ashley Short who are also famously known in the cannabis community as “The Wellness Duo” are celebrating this significant milestone with a celebratory event scheduled for Thursday November 7th, 2019 at The Hamilton Club in Hamilton, ON.

EKS has been able to show people through their products that cannabis isn’t something to be afraid of, rather, it’s something that can enhance one’s quality of life when used with intention. Through their site,, they’ve been able to help people introduce legal cannabis into their lifestyle and have taken the stigma out of using cannabis infused products.

EKS co founders ashley and tijen

Based out of Stoney Creek, Ontario, Yalchin  and Short have taken from their own experiences with pain and combined it with their passion and expertise to create a company and brand that offers an array of products; most notably their Pain & Inflammation Skin Salve and Skin Healing & Beauty Skin Salve.

“I was diagnosed with Lyme disease nine years ago, which caused me to become bed bound. At 27, I was told that I’d be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. I began a health regime and got my Marihuana Medical Access Regulations (MMAR) with the sole purpose to create a topical for my muscles and joints and now I’m doing great post a full knee replacement. Just like me, our  pain management and inflammation products have benefited a lot of our patients and has led us into many exciting avenues and learning experiences,” says Ashley Short, co-founder, EKS.

With the onset of Legalization 2.0, providing greater access to topical products and increased awareness about the health benefits of cannabis among previously sceptical consumers, EKS is looking to forge strong partnerships with healthcare practitioners and licensed producers to share their vision of creating clean, natural, high-quality products for medical cannabis patients. Please contact us if you’re interested in learning more about partnering with EKS.

Marigold Marketing & PR is looking forward to celebrating this significant milestone with EKS on November 7th and supporting them on the next phase of their business journey.